Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17: Swim Time at Jellystone

On the way to the pool.

Swim time!

Max testing the water.

Practicing her form before she ditches her floaties.

Sophie in mid-jump.

Max just chillin'.

Brother & Sister Time!

Giggle time with Daddy.

My big girl SWIMMING!

Underwater too!!

Max enjoyed some drive time while Sophie was honing her swimming skills.

"Cheese" grin.

July 17: Bear Lake

Junior Ranger Sophie showing off her badges.

Checking out the map before our walk.

Beautiful hike for our last day in the national park.

Mike in the mountains...Sophie thinking.



The most common wildlife we have seen.

Mom waiting ahead of us on the trail.

Our Junior Ranger enjoying our last hike.

Mountain Man Tom.

Me in the mountains.

Mountain Mike.

The boys having some fun.

Love me some flowers.

One more reflection while we reflect on our vacation during our last stroll in Rocky Mountain.

Enjoying a water view.

Sophie loved finding rocks to through in the lake.

Mike and Max found a cozy little space to take a break.

Sophie taking Max to wait for the bus.

Day 15: Kick Kick, Paddle Paddle

Sophie learned to swim today!  Other cool things happened that I'll get to in a bit, but the coolest of all is that Sophie is on her way to becoming our little swimmer!  Yesterday in the pool she would try to swim but couldn't commit to lifting her other foot off the ground to really get going.  Today, Tom had that magic advice of just telling her to swim underwater so that's how she started.  Then after doing that, he had her just pick her head up.  It gave her the confidence to go ahead and get both feet off the ground and away she went.  I was in the arcade (crushing the pinball game...I won more games than I paid for...still want a pinball machine for my house) when Tom came back with the kids and Sophie said she was swimming.  I said, "OK, let's go show me" thinking that she was just "swimming" again but no way, she was really doing it all by herself.  I know, I'm really going on and on here, but it was very exciting for us!

So let's backtrack a little bit.  First off, kudos to me for blogging every day.  I definitely don't feel like it at night (and that's why I've been putting off pictures too but I really should do those tomorrow) but I know I'll be so happy down the road when I can look back and remember this trip.  Back to the daily recording of memories.  We got everyone up and out of the camper today around 8:00 am for a hike/walk around Bear Lake in RMNP.  We had to leave early because due to road construction they close the road going up there at 9.  Once you're in, you're in though.  We did make it into the park by the cutoff time but the Bear Lake lot was already full so we had to park at the Park and Ride and take the shuttle up.  It wasn't too much of an inconvenience though and the kids like riding the bus so no big deal.  Bear Lake is a nice .6 mile loop that offers some different views of the surrounding mountains as you make the circuit around the lake.  Both kids were enamored with throwing rocks in the water and Max was especially excited to find the little signs throughout saying how far you've gone (30 signs, .6 miles, you do the math to figure out how much distance they marked).  He'd run up to the sign and hug it and then get his face real close to the numbers while wiggling his little fingers in front of his mouth like he was ready to "get it" then he'd trace and read the numbers and then he was ready to move on.  It was a nice morning activity; we stopped and had a snack on the trail, saw some beautiful scenery, and just had an all-around great time.

After the ride back to the Park and Ride, we headed out of the park and back to the campsite for the aforementioned swimming (and pinball) success.  There was also some playground time mixed in there.  Mom had the genius idea (in my opinion) of offering Tom and I the evening out.  Tom had previously brought up the two of us going to a movie but Mom made it even better by saying that we could go early and grab a small bite to eat first.  Tom and I headed out for Estes Park (which, by the way, I'm totally starting to dig as a town) to find a place to grab a drink, appetizer, and a seat outside.  Slightly tougher to find than you might think, we did actually find a place to meet all criterion but ended up deciding to split a yak burger (based on high recommendations) instead.  I thought it was good.  Tom seemed less than impressed.  I'd probably give it a slight edge over beef actually.  Food consumed, it was off to the movie.  We ended up seeing Grown Ups 2.  Tom really liked the first one and we would have been pushing it to get to Lone Ranger (my pick) so it was really our only option.  Estes definitely still has a small-town feel to it with things like only a 3-screen theater and just a Safeway for the only grocery store.  Movie was good, a little slow but got funnier.  The drinks with dinner may have helped put us in the "stupid-movie" mood because it's definitely not something you can take seriously.  Just before going to the movie, I realized that I left my wallet at the dinner table so I called back to the Grubsteak.  Great people, they were super conscientious, asking my permission to look for the license inside as I was describing it, and then locking it up with their liquor until I returned to get it.  Even when I returned, the guy apologized for having to get my license out to verify my identity.  Great place, great staff.

The best part about leaving when we did is not only did we get to enjoy ourselves, but we missed out on the "work" that goes with the kids in the evening.  Nana and Papa took the kids to play some putt-putt.  Sophie got a hole in one and Max had a good time placing his ball and hitting it.  They had mac & cheese for dinner, so they were super happy with that.  When I came in to tuck Max in he said "Guess what?" in a super excited voice, "I had mac and cheese for dinner!"  So back to what I didn't have to do tonight.  Didn't have to make or clean up for dinner.  Mom also gave the kids a shower so I didn't have to do that.  And Mike put the beds together for the kids so I didn't have to do that.  Plus, Max was ready for bed when we got here so it was just a little kiss goodnight and short chat and he was out for the night.  Sophie wanted to stay up longer and we had the campfire that we had promised her.  She enjoyed it but I could tell she was getting tired, even as she played with new glow sticks for the evening.  When I suggested that she come in to bed, she was more than willing.  

So that takes us to now.  Sitting on Sophie's bed (again) because she asked me to but she was already asleep by the time I finished brushing my teeth and typing out the day's events.

Tomorrow's plan is to get out of her by 8 again and head south to Silver Plume to catch the Georgetown Loop Railroad.  The ride is about an hour and fifteen minutes (the drive there is probably a couple of hours each way) but I think that the kids (and all of us) will enjoy it.  Plus, the drive there is through the scenic byway.  Maybe I should look for a more direct route there and do the scenic byway on the way back, that might make more sense.  If I can get the WiFi to work tonight, I think that's what I'll do.  Until tomorrow...