Thursday, June 27, 2013


Getting excited! The count down is now down to less than one week before we take off on our RV adventure.  Reaching out to you, my loyal readers, for a little feedback and guidance as we prepare for the trip. Though we've been to many of these places before, it was never in an RV and definitely never with kids.  I'd like tips, suggestions, points of interest, anything about the places we are going. Don't worry about assuming that I know about some place, activity, event...tell me it all! Here's our planned stops...if you know of any place in between feel free to share that too. Can't wait to hear what you all have to say!

Badlands Natl. Park
Custer State Park (Black Hills)
Mt. Rushmore
Devils Tower (maybe...)
Yellowstone Natl. Park
Grand Tetons Natl. Park
Rocky Mt. Natl. Park

Ok, gimme what ya got!!